Monday, November 11, 2013

Tips for Success...Support in College

When I was a student at SUNY Oneonta I was a member of the SUNY Oneonta Disability Awareness Council. These experiences allowed me to meet other students like me! It also gave me a chance to create programs that helped to educate the Oneonta community as well as the the community at other SUNY schools about the success of students with disabilities! This is the Facebook page for the SUNY Oneonta Disability Awareness Council.

In life it is so important for you to get the help that you need! Everyone needs friends to lean on! If you are brave and talk to people that is different than you, you may be lucky enough to find your best friends! Having friends that know firsthand what it is like to be a student with a disability are a very valuable resource! They get your struggles because they have similar experiences!   

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Does this ever happen to you...

Have you ever been sitting in class and feel that the teacher if flying through the material! As quick as you try to take notes or process what is going on, the teacher moves to the next slide or is done with that concept. This can be very stressful and can hinder the ability to lean! Below are some strategies for success, so no matter how fast the teacher moves past the material, you can stay head! 
look below for some tips for success!

Tips for success... the internet

The internet is a wonderful resources if and only if you use it correctly! There are many sites on the internet that can be helpful, however if you do not know the correct spot to look this can lead to trouble!

Always use peer reviewed sources when doing research. Try to start with looking at websites that are .edu or .gov. These websites are reviewed so the information posted is more accurate.

Tips for sucess...Voki

Many teacher create their own web pages or online resources to help students. Websites such as allow teacher to create customized avatars that can be used to teach students material.
I am in the process of creating one, it can be found at

Tips for Sucess...Youtube

If you learn best when listening or seeing material presented to you, YouTube is a great resource! Just type in the subject area that you are struggling with and view videos in this area! Many are created by teacher! If you are not shore if a clip that you find on YouTube is helpful for learning ask your teacher or post the link in the blog.

Tips for sucess... Read the Textbook

Use your textbook! The textbook is a great resource!
How to read a textbook
1. read the key ideas
2. go through the textbook and look at all the pictures and figures
3. brainstorm questions
4. read and take notes on each section
5. answer the questions in the textbook to review

Today many textbooks have online activities and video clips. These can be helpful for improving understanding of  topic that you are struggling with!

Tips for sucess... Use your Teacher

Use your teacher as a resource! Go to see them in office hours, or extra help. This is a free way to keep up to date. Many teacher are excited to help students. When going for help, bring questions this will help direct both you and the teacher. Leading to you getting the help that you need. Also when you are in class taking notes, mark off material that you find confusing. If the teacher is going over organelles and you become confused on mitochondria, highlight that in your notes during class so you are able to ask about it at a different time!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tips for Success...General Tips

 General Tips for Success for Students with Disabilities
(these are my personal tips)

Tip 1:

 Learn about your disability.

Growing up I was ashamed of my disabilities, I did not like that it made me feel  different than my friends. During college I began working with other students with disabilities to educate students and teachers how to help me and my peers. For the first time I began to research my disability, this understanding allowed me to view myself in a new light. I hope that you will do some research on your disability and find out how it makes you unique.

Tip 2:

Accept yourself for you.

I can not spell and I do not believe in grammar. Many teachers used to tell me that I was lazy, it took me a long time to realize that I am not lazy! I spent twice the amount of time on my work than some of my peers. If you are honest with yourself than you can accept the things you can not change.

Tip 3:

Find a person you can trust.

Find a teacher, a friend, a family member that you can trust. Let them be you allies, have them attend your IEP meetings and use them as a support system. If you go in to the world with someone who has your back you can stand stronger and taller! 

Tip 4:

Do what you love, never let someone tell you that you can not do something because of your disability. You can do anything that you set your mind to, you may have to do it differently or it may take longer but you can do it! Believe in yourself and people will than believe in you :)

Tip 5:

Give science a try!

Never let anyone tell you that science is not for you! Science is all around you, let it become part of your life. Create experiments that you want to find the answers too. Go out in to the world and questions how things work..."what makes planes able to fly?", "how do I tell a male flower form a female flower?", "what happens if I mix these two materials?". Science is all around and it is our job to figure it out!

If you have any tips that have helped you be successful please post them!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Abled Biology-helping Students with disabilities Succede in Science

DisAbled Biology:

This blog explores topics in Biology education with resources to help students with disabilities succeed! I'm  passionate about sharing tips and skills to help increase the number of students with a learning disability continue in the science.

Great minds may think alike, our minds do things a little different and that can lead to great discovery!